Education plays a vital role in the development of any nation. Therefore, there is a premium on both quantity (increased access) and quality (relevance and excellence of academic programmes offered) of higher education. The NAAC has been set up to facilitate the volunteering institutions to assess their performance vis-a-vis set parameters through introspection and a process that provides space for participation of the institution.
Benefits of Accreditation
- Institution to know its strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities through an informed review process
- Identification of internal areas of planning and resource allocation
- Collegiality on the campus
- Funding agencies look for objective data for performance funding
- Institutions to initiate innovative and modern methods of pedagogy
- New sense of direction and identity for institutions
- The society look for reliable information on quality education offered
- Employers look for reliable information on the quality of education offered to the prospective recruits
- Intra and inter-institutional interactions
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), with a record of at least two batches of students graduated, or been in existence for six years, whichever is earlier, are eligible to apply for the process of Assessment and Accreditation (A&A) of NAAC, and fulfil the other conditions or are covered by the other provisions, if any, mentioned below:
1. Universities (Central / State / Private / Deemed-to-be) and Institutions of National Importance
- Provided the Institutions /Deemed to-be Universities and their offcampuses if any are approved by MHRD/UGC. NAAC will not consider the unapproved off-campuses for A&A.
- Provided that these institutions have regular students enrolled in to the full time teaching and Research programmes offered on campus.
- Provided further that the duly established campuses within the country, if any, shall be treated as part of the Universities / Institutions of National Importance for the A&A process.
- NAAC will not undertake the accreditation of off-shore campuses
2. Autonomous colleges /Constituent Colleges / Affiliated Colleges (affiliated to universities recognised by UGC as an affiliating University)
- Provided the Colleges are affiliated to a University recognised by UGC for the purposes of affiliation. Constituent colleges of a Private and Deemed- to be Universities are considered as the constituent units of the University and thus will not be considered for A&A independently. Such constituent colleges need to come along with the University
- Provided the colleges / institutions not affiliated to a University are offering programmes recognized by Statutory Professional Regulatory Councils and have been recognised by Association of Indian Universities(AIU) or other such Government agencies concerned, as equivalent to a degree programme of a University
3. Accredited HEIs applying for Reassessment or Subsequent Cycles (Cycle 2, Cycle 3, Cycle 4) of Accreditation
- Institutions, which would like to make an improvement in the accredited status, may apply for Re-assessment, after a minimum of one year and before three years of accreditation subject to the fulfilment of other conditions specified by NAAC from time to time for the purpose.
- Institutions opting for Subsequent Cycles (Cycle 2, Cycle 3, Cycle 4) of Accreditation can submit the Institutional Information for Quality Assessment (IIQA), during the last 6 months of validity period subject to the fulfilment of other conditions specified by NAAC from time to time for the purpose.
- The NAAC accreditation does not cover distance education units of HEIs and offshore campuses.
- All the institutions intending to apply for Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC need to mandatorily upload the information on All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) portal. AISHE code (reference number) is one of the requirements for Registration.